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Russell Walsh
出生地United States
63 years
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Jackie Willer Vescio You will be missed September 30, 2012
I recently found out that Russ passed away. Though I never met Russ in person, we connected via online and he was such a nice person. He gave me wonderful advice on family, raising my children, and my education.  May he rest in peace. He will be missed dearly. My sincere condolences to Russ's family.
Crystal Logan My dear friend April 10, 2012
Trying to think of how to tell the world what you meant to me has been difficult all this time. It is hard to accept that I will never see you online to talk to me again. That your pearls of wisdom will no more be seen or heard again. For nearly 10 years you have been a part of my life. You have been there when I needed a friend or just someone to talk to. I miss being able to talk to you to hear what is going on in your life and tell you about the things in mine. You have always been like family to me and there will be a place in my heart where you will always occupy it. This is not good bye my friend because someday I will join you in the afterlife we spoke of many time.
Kristi McFadden Really cool person March 27, 2012
I will always remember him as a fun and happy person. He was always cracking jokes or finding ways to make people laugh and smile... he also made you think. I liked that he could balance silly with serious so well. It is something I will remember about him.

I will also never forget the summertime (and even sometimes, the school year) toilet paper wars we had. Forks in the grass, shredded paper... all of it. Pure, crazy, fun.  

My heart is sad for the loss family and friends are experiencing from his passing but I know he will be watching over everyone. I hope peace and comfort will be found as his memories and his stories are shared. 

I'm grateful he was someone I was privileged to know.  
Mindi Hannifin Friend xoxoxo March 24, 2012

For my 72 hour "friend" whom I shall NEVER, NEVER forget!!! We talked about a lot of important things in that short amount of time.  I will always remember how we met with such ease.
I was trying to make a telephone call when Russ just looked at me and said "hi", and we just clicked and talked about everything from the first time he had been at Sutter to that very night before he had come this time.
May you rest in PEACE now my friend and I hope I see you again.
Please accept my warm and sincere condolences to Russ's immediate family, friends and all of those special people who were fortunate to have had him in their lives much longer than I had.
May you all find peace and comfort in this very trying time.
Mindi Hannifin
Jim Walsh Brother March 19, 2012

Russ was the most influential person in my life. His presence defined me in so many ways. As brothers, there was always some mischief going on (or as our dad would say, horse play...I'll have to look that one up). But that was family....Russ was always into science. I recall when he allowed me to use his chemistry set. Probably was not a good thing, I was 8. Needless to say there were some unexpected results (burnt eyebrows etc). Also remember catching crawdads at Bear Creek. Not sure what we did with them. I recall the many evening we would sit up till late and discuss gravity wave physics, quantum theory, astrophysics and the like. He was brilliant. What separated Russ from other ‘Scientists’ was his firm faith in the Lord and that God created all that is. That physics is only a tool to describe God’s creation.

The fun times of reading comic books under the covers with a flashlight when we were supposed to be sleeping. Or pretending a UFO landed in the back yard on Carol avenue. Or building a rocket all come to mind.

I only touch on a few things here, as it would take 60 years express them all. Barbara, Anne, Aaron, Allison, Adam, Ashley & Amy, I share your loss. I will miss my brother. I am a better man because he was in my life.

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